Thursday, June 12, 2008

40. Feralas to Fathers

Text from "Off the Beaten Path" for the [ Epic Dolls Podcast #40 ]


After all these years of playing and exploring the World of Warcraft, its pretty amazing to still be surprised to discover something I didn’t see before.


I have recently been playing horde these months, so if you have ever done that…played one faction since the dawn of time then switched, then you know it is like playing a new game. The perspective of the story of the world is refreshingly different. While I was readventuring through zones I had been in so long ago, I found an interesting little getaway in Feralas of all places.

Down in the South Western corner, in the Fayfeather Highlands is a small pond. On the northern side of the pond is a hillside that you can deftly negotiate up. You eventfully make it to a small clearing with a hunter’s lodge complete with a campfire already burning. It’s a neat little get away to cook the fish you got in Wildwind Lake and not be bothered by the nearby animals.

  • • ZONE: Feralas
  • • FACTION: Horde or Alliance
  • • LEVEL: 35-45+
Gnomeregan was the capital city of the gnomes until an invasion of those trogg-men led to its destruction. While fewer people are venturing forth into Gnomeregan, I did find something out that may be of interest to you. One of the quests requires you to obtain colored punch cards for various levels of the instance. When you click on the punch card to read it, it is entirely marked with ones and zeroes. It turns out that these actually say something, for example the yellow punch card reads, “If you can read this, you are standing too close.” The red card reads, “Help! I am trapped in a binary punch card factory!” Thanks to for this information, who also let us know that one can translate these screen shots with a binary code translator.

Horde are able to venture into Gnomeregan by completing the transporter quest in BootyBay with Chief Engineer Scooty

This is a place that everyone needs to visit at least once, if not more just for the fun of it. Out in the sparse lands north of Tanaris and east of Thousand Needles, is of all things a race way where goblins and gnomes vie for who’s rocket launcher vehicle racer is faster. While you are there, don’t forget to pick up an strawberry ice cream cone from Brivelthwerp. And give a “cluck” to “Plucky Johnson” a chicken wandering about near Daisy, the race starter girl. There’s something peculiar about that chicken. You can also purchase an ancona chicken from Magus Tirth. The area is available to horde or alliance

Sunday was father’s day, and I thought I would make a celebration by giving a few interesting quests which involve fathers.

In previous segments, I have spoke about Tirion Fordring who’s quest series results in locating his son …heart wrenching. You can currently locate him by a small cabin near the southwestern end of the Terrorweb Tunnel in Eastern Plaguelands. There is some updated news with regard to Tirion Fording when Wrath of the Lich King comes out. It appears that he will be moved to Valgarde and given a promotion in the Silver Hand --
Tirion Fordring

We already know of the tragic end of the devout and benevolent ruler, Terenas Menethil II, who was killed by the hands of his mad son Prince Arthas. We will probably be seeing and reading more to this story when Wrath of the Lich King comes out.

A rather dismal quest brought about with the new race of Draenei involves Cowlen, the fisherman located at the southeast docks of Silvermyst Island off the coast of Azuremyst. He lost his entire family when a shard from the crashing Exodar plumented through his house, and the power leaking from the shard is driving all the moonkin mad.

A quest in Plaguelands entitled Pamela’s Doll, and starts with the ghost of Pamela Redpath. Her father Joseph Redpath was killed during the battle of Darrowshire and who’s corrupt spirit spawns during the recreation of the battle. --
Jospeh Redpath

In Desolace, there is a quest called Vahlarriel’s Search. Vahlarriel has come to the area on behalf of the father of the House Malem. His children Tyranis and Dalinda are missing and is asking for your help in discovering where they might be. --Vahlarriel’s Search

Just so we don’t think every father-quest ends in tragedy there is always this one…

Torkus the two headed ogre in Ogrila Blade’s Edge Mountains, Outlands, invites you to do a quest to help prepare his sons to live their dreams of being pilots with the Skyguard. I love this NPC…with two heads he speaks in plural.

Have fun everyone!
All music from the game.