Friday, May 30, 2008

It's sort of like Westfall

This week's "Off the Beaten Path" was narrated by NPC Verna Furlbrow, Westfall... (just for fun)

Howdy everyone! You might have reckoned already, but Stardancer is taking a sit-down yonder and will be back later. I’m Verna Furlbrow and I’m an NPC that stands along the road in the great farmlands of Westfall. You might have heard of me and my horse Blanchy. Afore I was an NPC, I traveled the world over. Being from the country, I thought I would share with y’all ---all the country places.



Believe you me, if Westfall isn’t the best farming country there is! Westfall has tons of farms and hospitality and just a crow flies distance from Stormwind. Why, if it wasn’t for those rampant harvesters and thieving defias, Westfall would be like a hog-killin time in paradise!

While ya’ll are visitin’ Westfall, don’t forget to stop by the lighthouse off the southern west coast! Captain Grayson down there needs some help. Oh, and kin you stop by Theodore and myself and help us out? You can find us standing along side the road as you exit Elwynn Forest.

If yer looking for something slightly different, y’all kin dive into the ocean in the south of Westfall and swim around the coast and head east…darn if you don’t just end up in Stranglethorn vale right by two huge doors which lead into cavern system! I’m here to tell you that those doors answer the question, “How did Vancleef get his ship inside that cavern?”


Though its like going around an elbow to get your thumb, there’s nothing like visiting the windy searing edges of Blade’s Edge Mountains, Outlands. The Alliance have the option of vacationing in the remnants of the green plush locales of Sylvanaar or Ruuan Weald. The Horde also have nice greenery as in Thunderlord Stronghold and Mok'Nathal Village. An interestin’ fact is about [ Mok’Nathal Village ] is home to the father of infamous half-ogre named Rexxar. Y’all might have met him, he wanders the roads of Desolace with his bear, Misha.

But probably one of the most famous sights of Blade’s edge Mountains are all the bodies of the black dragon flight which are still impaled on the sharp rocky spikes. The father and leader of the gronn, named [ Gruul ], is responsible for dispatching Deathwing’s offspring.

Blade’s Edge Mountains, its sort of like Westfall only with Mountains, Gronn, and dead dragons everywhere.

Looking Toward Wrath of the Lich King
Shoot my hillbilly! But Y’all are gonna have to come visit me in the far western edge of Northrend some day! I hope I can convince the NPC gods to move me [ Borean Tundra ]. For us country folk, there’s nothing like a large sprawlin’ land of fields as far as the eye can see.

Its sort of like Westfall only in Winter and with walking talking [ walruses ].

written by Stardancer