Monday, July 14, 2008

41. Elementals and You!

Text for "Off the Beaten Path" from [Epic Dolls Podcast # 41]

(Iliaana Robinsuun)

Hello everyone, I am Iliaana Robinsuun, bringing you this week’s off the beaten path.

Shamans have a connection to the world around them. All of nature to us is made of the four elements; air, fire, water, and earth. For a shaman, these are not just abstract THINGS, they are living spirits. Elemental spirits aren’t always helpful and friendly. So, I am taking this opportunity to point out where some of the more interesting elementals reside…even the MEAN ones.

Elementals and You – A Shaman’s guide to Sight Seeing

The elementals of air are made of air, wind, and storms. They resemble whirlwinds and often produce an area storm in their wake. They prefer to inhabit high places such as mountaintops or floating land masses. They seek to make changes on the land using their force.


I have been told that their Lord, one of the old gods Al’Akir the Windlord, his throne resides in Skywall, the elemental plane. He was exiled and imprisoned there during some war with the Titans.. He had a son named Prince Thunderaan who was broken and beaten by the fire Lord Ragnaros. The remains the air prince can be summoned in Silithus during the quest to forge the legendary weapon, Thunderfury.

Another notable air elemental is The Windreaver. He invaded the north western corner of Silithus with his entourage. He is worth defeating and returning him back to the elemental plane. He leaves his treasure behind for you.

A warrior quest given by Bath’rah the Windwatcher in Alterac Mountains (along the river) requires the warrior to summon the third of the notable Air Elementals known as Cyclonian. Warriors can defeat this air elemental for his heart so they can create Whirlwind on their weapons. I suppose that was before shamans like me could offer warriors our windfury totems during battle.

You can see some of the Windlord’s people whirling across such land as in Desolace, Nagrand, Tanaris, and Silithus. I know they prefer mountainous places, but I think they prefer wide open places to roam.

The most powerful of the fire elementals is the fire Lord Ragnaros. He is a rutheless blazing fire that wants to inflict his cruelty on the world. He fought against the Titans for dominion over the world and was imprisoned in the elemental plane. The dark iron dwarven battle that ensued deep within the black rock mountain, summoned him from his prison and currently resides in the Molten Core. He can be defeated with preparation and several adventuring parties. Good for them! He’s mean.

The dwarves who tunneled too deep into Blackrock Mountain also unleashed more than just the fire lord, they also found Lord Incendius. He guards the Black Anvil at the center of Black Rock Depths. And before you can even enter the depths of the Dark Iron dwarves, you encounter Overmaster Pyron who patrols the entrance. Those dark iron dwarves really need to stop digging so far!

Another notable and interesting of the Fire Elementals is Blazerunner who inhabits a cave atop Fire Plume Ridge in Un’Goro Crater. He guards an item called the Golden Flame. There is a quest series which leads you to him and provides an item that helps you defeat him. Speak to the gnome named Linken for more details about this ….and obtaining his infamous boomerang.

A Fire Elemental who’s not mean is…Temper who resides In Emberglade on Azuremyst Island among the Draenei. He offers several quests to alliance though he is not hostile to the horde. Good for him.

You can see more of Lord Ragnaoros’ people burning trails in such areas as Stonetalon Mountains, Un’goro crater, Shadowmoon Valley, Felwood, and Searing Gorge.


The leader of the Water Elementals is Neptulon the Tidehunter and is one of the old gods bound in the elemental plane by the Titans.

One of the notable water elementals who is nice to us is Duke Hydraxis, the leader of the Hydraxian Waterlords. He is located in the southeast side of the bay in Azshara. His quest reveals to us that the pure water elementals, those that have not been tainted, seek to do battle against the other elementals, namely Lord Ragnaros. He opens his quest to both Alliance and Horde.

In Winterspring, Princess Tempestria yells our her challenges to everyone during the Elemental Invasions. She and her minions will drop their treasure when they are defeated and sent back to the elemental plane by worthy adventuring parties. She can be found on the frozen Lake Kel'Theril in central Winterspring.

Deep within Lake Elrendar, Ghostlands is Aquantion. He is a tainted elemental as described by the Waterlords. He can be summoned and vanquished during a guest given to Bloodelves by the ghost Geranis Whitemorn, a who resides on a small island in the lake.

You can see more of Lord Nepulon’s people flowing about such areas as Feralas shores, Skettis, Dire Maul, Wintersping, Eastern Plaguelands, Thoussand Needles and Blackfathom Deeps.


The earth elementals are lead by Therazane the Stonemother who is also imprisoned in the Elemental Plane. She is another elemental who is nice and is considered loving and motherly, revered by druids and shamans.

Therazane has a daughter named Princess Theradras who resides deep within caverns and gardens of Mauradon. Hers is a tragic story of her relationship with the first son of Cenarius named Zaetar. Their offspring are the demented centaur roaming around Desolace and other places.

During the horde quests “test of strength” in Thousand Needles, they are to fight against Rok’Alim the Pounder. The quest is offered by Dorn Plainstalker, located in one of the caves north central 1000 needles. It is nice that the Stonemother sent one of her elementals help train adventurers.

The North Eastern corner of Azshara is also home to the elemental invasion lead by a wayward stone elemental named Avalanchion. He shouts out his challenges to anyone strong enough to defeat him. He drops his treasure when he and his minions are sent back to the elemental plane by a strong adventuring party.

In the Abyssal Council, one elemental known as Baron Kazum in Silithus has joined forces with other beings who respresent the elements and are in league with the Twilight Hammer Cult. I don’t think the Stonemother would be very happy with him.

You can see more of Therazane the Stonemother’s people rumbling about such areas as Stonetalon Mountains, Nagrand, Badlands, Alterac Mountains, Tanaris, Burning Steppes, and Silithus.

Written by Stardancer.
Special thanks to Julia, the voice of Iliaana Robinsuun, and to her parents for letting me borrow her so often for these projects.