Friday, July 25, 2008

46. World Explorer

Text for "Off the Beaten Path" on [Epic Doll Podcast # 46]

Blizzard really does listen to their players. It does take them some time to develop and implement new ideas, but we have to give a nod where it is due.

In an effort to make the game appeal to a wider array of player styles than just pvp and raiding, in the upcoming expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, a new system called “Player Achievements” will be introduced. This will help the game stay fresh and interesting to players and accomplishments will be viewable on the Armory. You will be able to achieve a variety of goals in such areas as excellence in professions, successfully completing a number of quests, completing world and seasonal events, reputation achievements, gaining a certain number of tabards and other whimsical items, as well as PVP and raiding. But the one that stood out to me, was that you can achieve the goal of “World Explorer”. Finally, something for those of us who enjoy sight seeing! Yes!

Blizzard writes:
“World Exploration: You’ll earn achievements by exploring each zone in the game -- and get meta-achievements when you fully explore a continent. Unlocking all World Exploration achievements unlocks a World Explorer meta achievement. Some achievements, including those that involve quests, items currently in your possession, skills (including professions), exploration, and reputations, will be applied to your character retroactively.”

What that means in terms of World Exploration is probably how much of all over your maps have been explored and cleared.


So in honor of the World Exploration player achievements, let’s clear those maps and discover your inner sight see-er.

If you are Alliance some places you may need to fill in the map for is the wonderful green plains of Mulgore, the home of the Tauren. You can easily circle the zone and even pick up Thunderbluff on your map without entering the city, just ride in the valley under bridged areas of the city. Note you will get flagged when you get near the city.

Another spot for Alliance players is definitely the Barrens. Most Alliance players have cleared just the area from Ashenvale down the road to Ratchet to get the flight path. This would account for the reason many Alliance players aren’t familiar with Wailing Caverns instance, Razor Fen instances, or the Koiter monument atop one of the mountains.

Another interesting spot to clear on your map …is to head down the West road from Crossroads, past Honor’s stand, and head into Greatwood Vale of Stonetalon Mountains. For Horde characters, there is small town called Malaka’Jin located on the southern side, which until I played a horde character I never knew existed.

Stonetalon Mountains is definitely a large area with all kinds of places to see and clear on your map. It is located South of Ashenvale, due west of the Barrens , and North of Desolace. It is long network of peaks with isolated areas, but in each of those areas you will find an array of creatures and quests, as well as rare or unique creatures who offer above average treasure. For Alliance and Horde alike this location is a long journey to get a flight path for --For Horde the Flight Path is in Sunrock retreat, for Alliance it is in Stonetalon Peak

An interesting note about Harpies….
· Stonetalon Mountains was originally the home are for Harpies. · Legend has it that harpies descened from night elf women who were cursed by Queen Azshara. · Harpies can be found in the following zones: Teldrassil, The Stonetalon Mountains, Feralas, Mulgore, Thousand Needles, Alterac Valley, The Barrens, and Durotar.

Stonetalon Mountains offers an array of quests, the neurtal faction quests can be gathered in Ratchet.
Alliance can gather quests in Ashenvale and in Stonetalon Peak, while Horde has the largest sum of quests for the zone. Quests start at Greatwood Vale, all the way into Sunrock Retreat.


Caer Darrow is the seemingly abandoned town and island which Scholomance towers overlook in Western Plaguelands. There is a curse on the town…you can hear people conversing as you venture through the main square. You glance around the area but you don’t see anything…it is a curious and haunted place.
If can see and interact with the ghosts, you will a merchant there who sells several alchemy and blacksmithing recipes. So how can you see the ghosts? The quest reward called spectral essences allows you to see the ghosts who live in this town. The quest series is offered by Eva Sarkhoff at the entrance to Scholomance



This week’s role-playing tips come from our friends at, who wrote about completing quests, even a low level one in order to get the item to use a prop for your character. Props can be used in a variety of ways, your character can sit at table that has one of the lore books, and your character can be engrossed in the novel, or your character can be holding an object, even a tome in some cases. These held objects are usually crafted items, merchant bought or quest rewards. They can be anything from a red rose to a wrench.

One of the props mentioned was a cross faction quest offered by a ghost, Captain Greyson located at the lighthouse off the southern coast of Westfall. At completion of his quest, he gives you a torch, which is a neat little prop that illuminates around itself when your character is in a dark place or at night.

We would love to hear about other unusual objects and items you have come across in Warcraft that would make great character props. Feel free to email me at